After an incredibly successful first Women's for Concern Luncheon, we have plenty of cookbooks left over for sale. At only $20/each, this is the best deal you'll find on the perfect holiday gift in town.
To check out pictures from the great event, click here
Can you believe it's already that time again? I suppose it doesn't help that I'm terrible at keeping up with this blog, but Team Concern is already in full swing for the 2011 Honda LA Marathon. For the 2nd year in a row, Concern has been named one of 60 official charities as part of the LAM and we have every intention of making a statement on the course in March.
Now that the marathon is officially a "sold-out" race, our 50 coveted spots for Team Concern are sure to go fast. Who's ready to Conquer Cancer one Mile at a Time? :-)
I'll be posting all of our exciting updates for the 2011 race in the next few days, but if you are just jumping out of your seat at a chance to be part of this awesome team and this even more awesome endeavor, register today!
To register to be part of Team Concern, to make a donation to one of our participants, or to learn more about Concern Foundation's goal to raise $100,000 in the 2011 LA Marathon, visit our official website at
Founded in 1968 by 15 couples, Concern Foundation remains one of the most successful grassroots and independent non-profit organizations in Los Angeles. After 42 years of fundraising and funding research, Concern has granted over 550 researchers around the world their start-up funding to fight this disease.